Menindee Central School is a community school where people develop in a caring, stimulating environment. We can achieve this by focusing on enhancing students' welfare, providing an appropriate curriculum, child centred teaching and learning, quality professional development of staff and the encouragement of community involvement. The school provides Kndergarten to Year 12 learning, catering for Years 11-12 through the Access Program which links Menindee with central schools in Ivanhoe and Wilcannia.
Menindee is a remote community in far-western NSW, 110km south-east of Broken Hill. The sign post coming into town states that the population is 980. The community holds strong morals and values and these are reflected at school.
Students and teachers maintain a positive level of respect and responsibility. Through the Schools in Partnerships program the community has a high level of involvement in the school, which is creating positive relationships for all involved.
Menindee Central School is a Connected Community School. Connected Communities is a strategy designed to address the educational and social aspirations of Aboriginal children and young people living in a number of complex and diverse communities in NSW.